SpotON – our blog around digital compliance in enterprises
SpotON – Digital Compliance
Read here regularly on selected topics, developments and news from the areas:
SAM & Cloud – use software legally compliant and cost-effective
IT Security & Threat Intelligence – protect the IT landscape effectively
Data & Digitization – manage digital assets across the lifecycle
Complion Insights – look behind the scenes of digital compliance consultants
TeamOn: Complion travels to Beilngries in the Altmühl Valley
It's finally summer and our annual team event took place in Beilngries near Ingolstadt, in the beautiful Altmühl Valley. Together we spent a few beautiful days in best weather and finest hospitality – both in front of the laptop and on the water. What we experienced, we want to describe in this blog post.
Complion Insights: Mobile working on flexible time at COMPLION
Flexible work schedules and home offices have become both salvation and memes in the pandemic. While it's clear that many companies have both saved lives and kept their businesses afloat by switching to home working, jokes along the lines of "home office - I'll live in the office from now on" aren't without their shred of truth either. How to find the right balance between relaxed productivity and home office burnout is often determined in large part by corporate culture. In this blog post, you can find out what this looks like at COMPLION with regard to mobile and flexible working.
Emotet, Agent Tesla, ZeuS. These three of the best-known malware families have one thing in common, they all use phishing as a central strategy for their spread. Social engineering strategies, for example in the form of phishing or spear phishing, are often used. The "human vulnerability" therefore continues to be a popular target for attack, which is also confirmed with regard to current studies, such as those conducted by Bitkom.
But how can you protect yourself and your employees from such attacks? This blog post deals with one of the possible approaches to effectively mitigate such threats: so-called sandboxing.
SOC 101 - A Brief Introduction to Security Operation Centers
SOCs are increasingly being used to monitor corporate IT. In the coming weeks, we will therefore take a comprehensive look at this topic. In the first part, we will look at the components and tasks of security operation centers.