SpotON – our blog around digital compliance in enterprises
SpotON – Digital Compliance
Read here regularly on selected topics, developments and news from the areas:
SAM & Cloud – use software legally compliant and cost-effective
IT Security & Threat Intelligence – protect the IT landscape effectively
Data & Digitization – manage digital assets across the lifecycle
Complion Insights – look behind the scenes of digital compliance consultants
Internal Control System in Software Asset Management
In January, we visited Continental AG in Hanover with the Special Interest Group (SIG) SAM & Licensing of VOICE - Bundesverband der IT-Anwender e.V. (Federal Association of IT Users). One of the main topics was the integration of an internal control system (ICS) into software asset management. This blog post summarizes the key findings of the discussion.
Goal setting and development paths for career starters - how Complion supports you
The start of a new career opens up a wide range of opportunities and possibilities. These are often linked to personal goals that lay the foundation for professional success.
At Complion, we aim to support you on your path of personal and professional development - so that you can realize your career goals.
In this blog post, we show you what measures we are taking to achieve this and what prospects are open to you with us.
Our company is made up of people and we want to introduce them to you over the coming weeks and months. Today we're talking to Florian Müller. We find out what COMPLION is all about for him, what his daily tasks are and what he does when he's not working on customer projects.
Business Intelligence & Datenmanagement: Erfolgsfaktoren im digitalen Zeitalter (Teil 2)
In today's data-driven world, Business Intelligence (BI) has become an indispensable tool for companies that want to stay competitive and optimize their decision-making. BI is a technology that enables organizations to extract relevant information from a variety of data sources to make informed decisions. These decisions are not only important for the strategic direction of the company, but also for daily operational processes. By using BI tools, companies can gain valuable insights from historical, current and external data to effectively manage their business strategies.