SpotON – our blog around digital compliance in enterprises
SpotON – Digital Compliance
Read here regularly on selected topics, developments and news from the areas:
SAM & Cloud – use software legally compliant and cost-effective
IT Security & Threat Intelligence – protect the IT landscape effectively
Data & Digitization – manage digital assets across the lifecycle
Complion Insights – look behind the scenes of digital compliance consultants
License management for embedded software – Have license managers missed something?
The implementation of a license, and software asset management (SAM) for the specific software in the development cycle of embedded software/systems ensures the efficient use of company assets. Those looking for potentials to exploit can score here.
Security and usability - the eternal conflict or peace in sight?
"The most secure computer in the world has no network access, no users and is buried in a box" - every IT security expert hears this statement from superiors within the first five days of starting their careers. How usability and security can still be combined in IT operations is now a discussion that is taking on almost philosophical proportions. In this blog post, we want to highlight the challenges that IT environments trimmed only for security and not for usability pose to users. Furthermore, we want to make some suggestions on how to keep user frustration from boiling over while maintaining adequate security measures.
This year, we were once again guests at the FH Aachen to present the various opportunities for working at Complion to students. To illustrate the daily project routine, the students were invited to dive straight into the middle of things instead of just watching: it was time for a decision-making processes during a hacker attack.
Everything’s secure, right? – Our IT-Security Section of the COMPLION Blog
Complion offers comprehensive consulting in IT asset management. This concerns software and license management, digital compliance, and cybersecurity. We will deal with the latter in detail in our section “Everything’s secure, right?” – Not just for specialists and nerds, but quite unpretentiously and without a lot of technical jargon, we want to address and explain the topic of IT security here.