Transparenz, Compliance und Effizienz durch IT-Vertragsmanagement – Das SAM Contract Management Training von COMPLION


Transparency, Compliance and Efficiency through IT Contract Management - COMPLION's SAM Contract Management Training

Contract management is a key area of responsibility within project management. It includes the drafting, conclusion, updating, processing and administration of contracts in order to achieve project goals. This includes the ongoing documentation of all contract-relevant events. Specifically, contract management includes the supervision of contractual negotiations between client and contractor, the implementation of contracts and the implementation of contract amendments for technical, scheduling, personnel or financial reasons. The IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) describes contract management as administrative activities relating to contracts. This includes aspects such as tendering, tender evaluation, contract award, contract implementation, monitoring the degree of fulfillment and the calculation of payments.

The two most important principles of contract management are that it covers the entire life cycle of a contract and cannot be reduced to a single tool. Instead, it encompasses the entirety of processes, roles and tools.

Objectives of IT Contract Management

The aim of IT contract management is to maximize the scope of action for claims and changes and to maintain profitability by means of needs-based and continuously monitored contracts. The main objectives include

Transparency: A comprehensive overview of the demand for goods and services to be contracted and all contractual terms, including current and future payments.

Compliance: Ensuring compliance with one's own obligations as well as monitoring and enforcing the obligations of the contractual partner.

Efficiency: Creating economic added value and ensuring flexibility and adaptability in order to meet changing requirements.

Differentiation between IT Contract Management and Software Asset Management (SAM)

IT contract management and software asset management (SAM) are related but different disciplines. IT contract management deals with tasks at contract level, while software asset management covers the management of individual licenses. Software contract management is a sub-area of IT contract management that relates specifically to software.

IT contract management encompasses the management of the entire contract lifecycle. This includes the design and negotiation of usage rights in order to achieve the best possible conditions for the company. Another important aspect is the implementation and qualification of requirements surveys to ensure that the contracts meet the company's actual needs. IT contract management is also responsible for providing information on the contract, including all terms and conditions, to ensure transparency. Monitoring contract performance and obligations is also a key task to ensure that both parties to the contract fulfill their obligations. In addition, it includes monitoring contract volumes and utilization as well as advising the specialist and business side on all contractual issues.

Software Asset Management (SAM) focuses on the management of the license lifecycle. This includes the inventory, collection and management of acquired usage rights and the software used in order to obtain a comprehensive overview of all software assets. An important component of SAM is the creation of license balances in order to monitor the correspondence between acquired licenses and actual usage. SAM also aims to optimize license requirements and software spend in order to reduce costs and maximize return on investment. Minimizing license risks by ensuring compliance with license terms is another important goal. SAM also includes the processing of customer inquiries regarding software licenses and (vendor) portal management. IT contract management deals with tasks at contract level, while software asset management covers the management of individual licenses.


COMPLION's SAM Contract Management Training provides comprehensive training in the various aspects of IT contract management and software asset management.

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