Equality in Idea Generation: ein wahrer USP von Complion

Equality in Idea Generation: ein wahrer USP von Complion

Who does not know the following situation? The managing director / division head makes a suggestion and everyone applauds. In many companies, it is common practice that senior management is basically given the go-ahead and feedback meanders from "top to bottom". Our company works differently: Equality in Idea Generation.


Equality in Idea Generation: a true USP of Complion

In our series "This is Complion", we would like to present ourselves, our company, as well as values and ways of working and to provide an "outside-in view" of the organization.

Many companies function through an organization based on titles and hierarchies.

One thing in advance - we also use titles to make seniority and experience transparent to outsiders and to enable others to assess the person they are talking to.

Our lived practice here is contrary to the general development in companies, where we increasingly perceive a tendency towards titles, "elbow mentality" and an interweaving of increasing age & higher management functions - regardless of suitability.

Complion relies on its own slogan "Equality in Idea Generation" - in plain language: Everyone can have a good idea and the organization must make it possible for this idea to be heard and to prevail.

An implementation example

The range of topics for the development of a company are numerous and cannot be the responsibility of just one person. That's why every colleague can and should make a contribution here and contribute their thoughts. If you take social media as an example, it can even be a hindrance if people from older generations (I'm already taking cover from my older colleagues 😊) deal with this topic, which primarily appeals to young people. On the one hand, this has to do with the reality of life for young people, who have greater experience in using social media. On the other hand, many young people are reached through social media - ergo: Why not let those who use it do it?

From this we conclude that the mix and composition of cross-generational expertise, taking into account the diversity of topics, is the way we want to go. The example of "social media" is symbolic of our approach that every perspective is valued at Complion. The same applies to our feedback culture. Everyone should and must contribute and share their thoughts - regardless of an organizational matrix. We are convinced that this is the only way we can think ahead, maintain and further expand our position and clientele in the competitive industry of management consulting.